Tuesday, February 20, 2007

week two

We looked at the antagonist and the protagotist in the story.
As a protagonist I was interested in a character like Wolverine. Hes not interested in looking like the good guy, he just wants to get the job done, and will do so at the risk of other people. Hes not a hero and he doesn't mind about that, and he can be bad but never tries to injure anyone on his team. Superman has a strict moral code, and makes sure never to hurt anyone for no reason, and never kills anyone. I find the story more interesting if they have done bad things or had a hard time, and they are working on redemption, or fixing their life up a bit. Wolverine is also interesting because he is Canadian, and actually will fail ocasionally, unlike the situation with many superheroes. A few good examples are Batman, and especailly Superman. Superman almost never fails, and even if obstacles come up, they almost never threaten him and he always gets around him. The obstacles usually involve someone he is close to, often that person might be on the brink of death and Superman has got to save him/her. Although he may fail, Superman never dies and always overcomes the obstacle. Now with Batman, the story is slightly different, obstacles to come up, such as his secret identity being discovered by the bad guys (usually criminals) or banks being robbed, and it is always his job to stop it. He has a million gadgets that are fool proof and extremely useful, as well as a car that is armed to the teeth with all sorts of explosives and cool gadgets. Batman hardly ever fails, and like Superman his only obstacles are often his sidekick, Robin, getting himself in trouble, or sometimes the people he love become endangered because of a criminal.

The point is they hardly ever fail what they are trying to accomplish, but with Wolverine you never know. He could have to end the life of someone who is close to him to save his own, he might come close to death, he might lose a close friend because of some bad guy, and he might have to save his close friends from bad guys as well. The story is almost always different, and also very intriguing. The maker of the character Wolverine made him a very complicated character. What is shown in the comic book is not all there is to him. If you go onto Wikipedia there is a lot of information about him, and you can see his creator must have put a huge amount of work into making the character interesting as well as intriguing. The same goes for the story ideas.

Using Writing a Mystery: the Drawing Board, we looked at how to make a story believable, and how to develop a timeline for the story.

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