Monday, April 9, 2007

week six

During week six, I basically added to my story and did excersises for the entire time. Sheryl was in the states for a long time, so we didn't have any meetins for a while .This writing exercise was about mixing the feelings and the thoughts of the character together. You write it down like this.


Mike is reluctant to wake up early and go to work. Until lunch break, he is hungry. On his job site its very dusty, and this is a big nuisance while he is trying to do his job. He also buys bottled water sometimes, because while working his throat is dry from breathing in all the dusty air. The dust causes him to cough. His job is over all very annoying, but his boss only makes things worse. His boss is constantly pestering him to do a better job. Mike has to cary big sheets of drywall which give him a bad back, he doesn't get a good amount of sleep and some of his lunch breaks are spent sleeping. If he doesn't work up to standards his boss lectures him. If its sunny he sweats, if its rainy hes freezing.


Today I had to wake up early, my boss will be mad at me if I don't. I'm so tiredI wish I could jump into my bed, but I can't get fired, I gotta make a living somehow. Crap, the bus is behind schedule. Look at the traffic! I'm gonna be late. Thank god, five minutes late isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Yumm.. I can't wait for my lunch break. Yesterday I picked up a sandwhich from the deli. Oh god I'm late, here comes my boss. If I weren't so tired, my job would be sooo much easier. Agh, they should water down the dust, I can't put this sheet down to get the dust out of my eyes. Yes! Lunch break is on. I can get outta this hole for an hour.


Mike awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and birds chirping outside. His body begged him to jump back into he warmth of his bed, but he foced himself to get ready. Outside the window, the sky was still a shade of purple. The sun was just beginning to rise in the sky. He pushed open the door leading to the stairs which brought him to the main entrance. Half a minute later he emerged from the cheap hotel into the fresh autumn air out doors. He keenly awaited the arrival of his bus. He was the only person at the bustop, likely because of the time. It was raining so hard, it was raining so hard, Mike imagined that the clouds were weeping. Atlast his bus arrived, and soon enough he was at the construction site. Great, he was five minutes early. He had picked up a sandwhich from the deli foods section of Safeway. He couldn't wit until lunch began and he could eat the sandwhich. Mike was so tired, he decided to lay his head down on his bag of tools and rest for five minutes until his job started. The rain dropped on his head. After a few minutes he fell asleep. Fifteen minutes later, ge awoke from his slumber, To his chagrine, he was now ten minutes late. he cursed his luck and made his way to the job site. The one good thing about this particular day was that the rain meant there would be no dust. He hadn't yet purchased ear plugs to deafen out the shrill noise of jackhammers and other tools, but until then he would have to deal with it. When he got home from work, his ears were usually ringing, so he thought it might be a good idea to buy earplugs soon. He noticed his boss coming towards hi to give him a hard tgime about being late.

Mike's boss seemed to get after Mike at any opportunity he had. He was slightly shorter than average, Mike was a bit taller than average, so Mike was always looking down at him when they talked. "So you're late again eh? You know, you've probably lost a few hours of work time with this schedule. You're lucky I haven't gotten rid of you yet." The boss chuckled but glared at the same time. Mike wondered if it was impossible for this man to have a normal conversation without being nasty to him in some sort of way. It was almost as though his boss was taunting him, or waiting for some sort of reaction. Mike couldn't risk it, as much as he hated his job and his boss, its what kept him from living on the streets again, and he needed the money. If he missed a days work, he'd have to go with out food for a day. He relied on his job. It got him just enough to eat and pay his rent at the same time, and he made just enough for only that and nothing else. While his boss continued to babble on, Mike had his mind on other things. He was thinking about his life, and different incidents that had occured. He didn't like people who tried to make his life harder, which meant he didn't like his boss. After a few minutes, Mike's boss left, and Mike resumed working. This particular day wasn't so bad, but he still couldn't wait for it to be over so he could get home and sleep. Four more excruciatingly long hours until his job was over. His break seemed to be over in a matter of minutes, while his job hours seemed to take triple the actual amount of time.

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